Saygin Yalcin Net Worth and Biography

Saygin Yalcin is a worldwide famous businessman. He is the founder of, an online car buying service (one of the first in the Middle East). He was also the founder of, which currently is a part of Amazon. Yalcin is a partner of the Jabbar Internet Group, which contributed to his net worth in 2019 of $1.5 billion.

Net Worth: $1.5 billion
Birth Date:
May 14, 1985
Bremen, Germany
Last Updated:
October 2019
Saygin Yalcin net worth

Saygin Yalcin Net Worth

Saygin Yalcin started his career by working as a marketer at BMW. Also, he played an essential role in the marketing department at Capgemini and L’Oreal. What is even more interesting is that Yalcin worked all these jobs while he was completing his studies.

When he was an employee at Jabbar Internet and Group, he used his experience to found It became the first internet car marketplace in the Middle East and added a nice income to his fortune.

Saygin Yalcin gathered his wealth with all these businesses as an entrepreneur. Besides, his income sources include a YouTube channel. With more than 200,000 subscribers, we can estimate that he receives a significant amount of money. has a market value of over $500 million, and specialists believe this value will continuously increase. To sum up, Yalcin owns around 80 businesses and collaborates with each one regularly. He is well regarded in Dubai, where business people perceive him as a role model.

He invested in several assets, including a Gulfstream Private Jett. It is an airplane estimated at an overall worth of $35 million. Also, he owns the fastest car on the globe, the Bugatti Veyron. He holds several other car models, but he managed to keep his private collection out of the public eye.


Saygin Yalcin was born in 1984 in Bremen, Germany. He got his MBA at the WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management, where he graduated top of his class. Also, he obtained several diplomas from the University of Southern California in the USA and the ITAM in Mexico.

Yalcin has a younger sister. She has a rare form of epilepsy, which is why he continually invests in medical research studies. He dedicates a lot of time to find a cure and other ways to aid people worldwide in dealing with neurological issues.

Saygin Yalcin is entirely private about his personal life. Still, back in 2016, he managed to create a multitude of rumors due to a picture he shared on his Instagram account. He posed alongside Rihanna, which led to numerous theories that they were involved in a romantic relationship. Neither one of them confirmed or denied this.

Apart from this, there is no information about Yalcin’s current relationship. Since 2018, he was seen alongside a beautiful lady. And rumors say they either got engaged or married during the past year. But Saygin Yalcin doesn’t want to talk about this, so this remains an enigma.

An interesting fact about this entrepreneur is that he never forgets his humble start. As such, he is committed to visiting his childhood friend each time he travels to Germany. His friend continually jokes that Yalcin never changed, and his success never altered his real personality.

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