About Wolf of Wealth

About Wolf of Wealth

Wolf of Wealth is a website, as the name suggests, about wealth. Our website’s main focus is on celebrity net worth.

When did we start this website?

This website is relatively new. This about page was actually the first page I wrote. I wrote it in a Mexican coffee shop on May 15, 2019. Just a week before my 29th birthday. Originally this blog wrote exclusively about celebrity net worth, but on December 10, 2020 we decided to focus also on the net worth of athletes, businessmen and internet stars.

I started this website to write about the topics I find interesting. Now, I decided to share these ideas with you as well.

Who founded this website?

Hey, my name is Ken and I’m the founder of Wolf of Wealth (or WoW for short – not to be confused with ‘’World of Warcraft’’). Before I started this website, I probably started about 20 other websites that all failed. This was 100% caused by analysis paralysis and shiny object syndrome. 

I am not sure what this journey will bring. But I know one thing for sure, and that is that I’m in it for the long run now.

What can I find on Wolf of Wealth?

The main topic will be about celebrity net worth. We have the goal to be the website with the most complete info about your favorite celebrity. We hope you like this website! For more info contact us at wolfofwealthco@gmail.com